Monday, December 9, 2013


Erosion is the process that produce the wearing away of rocks because of the action of the geological external agents (wind, water...)

Different factors may influence the erosion process:
  • Steepness of the slope: In steep slopes, the materials are less stable. If there isn´t any vegetation, the water takes away the superficial layers of soil so organic materials that can regenerate the vegetation are removed
  • Weight of the sediments.
  • Cohesion: Internal connection of the rock components. Depends on:
    • Degree of fracture of the material
    • If the rock is soft or has been weathered previously (less cohesion).
    • Presence or absence of water.
    • Presence or absence of plastic materials.
  • Absence of vegetation: The roots are support factors. They hold the land. The aerial part of the plants filtrate the rainwater so it falls slowly.
  • Climatic factors: Erosion is stronger in windy/rainfall areas

Erosion types:
  • Leakage: abrupt drops of loose rocks. The acting agent here is the gravity.

  • Landslides: they are huge leakages.
  • Slippery: The land slips over a take-off surface.

  • Flows and tracks: mud rivers.

  • Creeping: When the volume of a plastic land increases (humid variety) because of the level of water a molecule goes up but when the land dehydrates, that molecule goes down (small waving).

  • Gully: Channels or cracks formed on plastic material slopes because of the rainfall.  As a result of these processes hoodoos or fairy chimneys are formed. These are pyramidal structures with a rock of a different and more resistant material on the top of them.

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